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Our stock fundamentals checker provides investors with a comprehensive set of financial metrics to evaluate the financial stability of a company.

What Is Fundamental Analysis?

A company’s financial health may be evaluated by fundamental analysis. It analyses the company’s key ratios to assess whether or not a stock’s current price represents good value. A forecast of the company’s growth and financial stability is also included. Doing fundamental research is essential for every investor. This aids in their valuation of the company and its stock.

Investment opportunities present themselves if the investigation results show that the stock’s current price is at odds with market sentiment and fundamental reasons.

What Are the Different Stock Fundamentals Checkers?

Some stocks fundamentals checkers include:

EPS, or earnings per share

The earnings per share (EPS) is the portion of a company’s profit distributed to its stockholders. It’s determined by dividing the company’s total income or profit by the number of shares outstanding. To express it in mathematical terms:

Earnings per share (EPS) = firm’s net income after taxes/number of shares outstanding.

Since earnings per share (EPS) is a proxy for the financial well-being of a business, a rise in EPS often results in more financial rewards for shareholders.

A company’s earnings per share (EPS) may be basic and diluted. The number of outstanding shares is included in essential EPS, whereas the number of shares held by the corporation and potentially distributed to investors is factored into diluted EPS.

After that, earnings per share (EPS) may be broken down into trailing, current, and future. Earnings per share from the most recent fiscal year are the following EPS. Earnings per share in the current fiscal year is what a current EPS means. Forward EPS are estimates for the current fiscal year.

You can choose which company’s stock to invest in by comparing its earnings per share to others in the same industry.

P/E ratio

The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is a staple of stock research. The balance displays the dividend payments made by the corporation about its stock price. Here, you can see whether the stock is worth the money you’re investing in it. The price-earnings ratio (P/E) is determined by dividing the share price by the EPS.

If the price per share is low relative to the company’s profits, the P/E ratio will be low. This means the stock trades at a concession and has room to grow. On the contrary, a larger P/E ratio indicates that the price is too high.

The price-to-earnings ratio may be broken down into the following groups:

  • The P/E ratio for the previous 12 months (the “trailing” P/E ratio).
  • The forward P/E, which measures profitability over the following year,

An earnings decline is possible if the future P/E exceeds the trailing P/E. Companies may see a gain in earnings if the future P/E ratio is less than the trailing P/E.

Different investors place varying amounts of weight on the P/E ratio. How much you’re willing to pay for a company’s profits may be calculated using the P/E balance. One investor’s appetite to risk may vary from your own.

Return on Equity (RoE)

RoE measures how well a company’s stock returns money to its shareholders from the money they’ve put into the business. Divide net income (after taxes) by stockholders’ equity to get the return on investment.

Typically, ROE is reported as a percentage figure. A greater Return on Equity (ROE) indicates a more productive business. This implies the company may boost profits without spending any more capital.

A high return on equity is possible even for a firm with few assets. As a result, not every high ROE company is a good choice for your money. Comparing the ROE of firms operating in the same sector is most beneficial. The optimal return on a stock is between 13 and 15.

Price-to-book (P/B) ratio

This is the ratio of the book value of a stock to its market value (sometimes called “stockholders equity”). An asset’s book value corresponds to its original purchase price less the total amount of its depreciation. Divide the most recent closing price by the book value per share from the prior quarter to get the price-to-book ratio.

It will reveal how much will be left once the firm pays off its debts and sells its assets. Undervalued stocks have a price-to-book ratio of less than 1. Stocks are considered overpriced if the rate is more than one. If the stock’s market value is in line with the value of the company’s assets, then you should buy the shares.

Companies having a more significant proportion of liquid assets, such as those in the insurance, banking, investing, and finance industries, place more emphasis on the ratio. The P/B balance does not benefit firms with higher fixed assets and R&D spending.

P/S ratio, or price-to-sales ratio:

The price-to-sales ratio evaluates the current stock price of the company’s annual revenue. You may figure out the P/S balance by dividing the market cap by the income or by using the formula:

Price to sales ratio (P/S ratio) = stock price per share/revenue per share

Undervaluation is indicated by a P/S ratio below average, while a P/S ratio above normal indicates overvaluation.

It’s preferable when investors are prepared to pay less for each unit sold, as measured by the price-to-sales ratio. The measure does not consider the essential factors of the company’s expenditure or debt. So, a high P/S ratio is not necessarily a sign of a prosperous company.

Dividend payout ratio

The dividend payout ratio reveals the proportion of a company’s profits distributed to shareholders. Since there may be limited possibilities for expansion, a company might opt to disperse its earnings as a dividend. The dividend payout ratio evaluates how much of a company’s profit is allocated towards dividends, growth, paying down debt, and cash reserves.


The Beta measures how closely a stock’s price fluctuates with its sector. If you compare the stock’s performance to a benchmark index, you can determine its Beta. For the most part, the Beta varies between -1 and 1.

Yet, it can be worth more or less than that. If the stock’s Beta is greater than 0, it indicates a positive correlation with the index—inverse correlation between stocks is shown by beta values below zero. If an asset’s Beta is high, its volatility is also high. The more stable an asset’s Beta, the less it fluctuates in price.

Dividend yield ratio

The dividend yield ratio measures the annual dividend payment to shareholders as a percentage of the current share price. Divide the stock’s yearly dividend by its current share price to get its dividend yield ratio, which is expressed as a percentage.

Investors seeking dividend income should pay attention to the dividend yield ratio. Not all corporations choose to distribute surplus cash in the form of dividends, so this metric for fundamental stock analysis is not always accessible. Some businesses choose to save their earnings for expansion.

Predicted Earnings Growth (PEG) Ratio

Earnings growth projections show the price per unit of expected profit growth. Revenue growth projections are divided by the P/E ratio to arrive at this figure. If future profits growth is forecast to be lower, then compensation per unit of earnings growth will also be lower.

The greater the expected profit growth, the less risky the company is, and vice versa for stocks with lower PEG ratios. Investors tend to avoid stores with a PEG ratio of above 1.

Final Thoughts on Stocks Fundamental Checker

A company’s earnings are the most crucial indicator of its success and should be examined before others. The term “earnings” refers to the profit a business makes. Most companies release earnings reports quarterly, and all analysts closely follow these reports. There is a strong relationship between earnings and stock prices.

A company’s stock usually rises when it reports an increase in earnings. The stock price might take a significant hit if the company’s profits are lower than expected. The profitability of a business may pay out handsomely in dividends.

Earnings are just one factor in determining a stock’s value. It would be best to do more in-depth research using fundamental analysis tools to learn more about the company’s market value.